COVID-19 Warning to all TimeWaver users and partners: TimeWaver is not approved for the diagnosis or treatment of COVID-19. TimeWaver is a medical product for the treatment of chronic pain, fibromyalgia, skeletal pain and migraine, as well as for the supportive treatment of mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety and associated sleep disorders. All other uses of TimeWaver are not recognised by mainstream medicine due to lack of evidence as defined by mainstream medicine.TimeWaver supports and encourages the implementation of the prevention measures for COVID-19 published by the World Health Organisation (WHO). If you, your family or clients experience any of the COVID-19 symptoms described by the WHO, we recommend that you seek medical diagnosis and treatment.
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+49 3391 40022-11
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TimeWaver Home GmbH Schloss Kränzlin, Darritzer Straße 6 16818 Kränzlin, Alemania
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