COVID-19 Warning to all TimeWaver users and partners: TimeWaver is not approved for the diagnosis or treatment of COVID-19. TimeWaver is a medical product for the treatment of chronic pain, fibromyalgia, skeletal pain and migraine, as well as for the supportive treatment of mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety and associated sleep disorders. All other uses of TimeWaver are not recognised by mainstream medicine due to lack of evidence as defined by mainstream medicine.TimeWaver supports and encourages the implementation of the prevention measures for COVID-19 published by the World Health Organisation (WHO). If you, your family or clients experience any of the COVID-19 symptoms described by the WHO, we recommend that you seek medical diagnosis and treatment.

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Coherence with TimeWaver Pro – Analysis and Harmonization in the Information Field

5. stycznia 2023 • 10:00 am - 11:00 am

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Coherence with TimeWaver Pro – Analysis and Harmonization in the Information Field

Wolfgang Blüml

January 5, 2023
10:00 am – 11:00 am CET

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TimeWaver Pro

Webinar for interested people

Free admission

What to expect in this webinar:

Get to know the TimeWaver Pro system and learn how you can get targeted useful information about possible imbalances with the long-term assessment in the Coherence Nodule. Furthermore, you will get an insight into the life’s work of the Russian physicist Peter Gaiajev in the TimeWaver Matrix Module.  There Wolfgang Blüml shows you various application possibilities, e.g. in the area of emotional well-being.

Webinar Contents:

  • Background of the TimeWaver Information Field technology

  • Long-term evaluation of the Information Fields of a person with the Coherence Module

  • Focus analysis in the Coherence Module for emotional harmonization

  • Peter Garjajev and his 380 wave file programs in the Matrix Module

  • Questions and answers

Wolfgang Blüml

Wolfgang Blüml has been working at TimeWaver since 2011; he is go-to person for international sales and user support. His main focus is gaining the customers’ trust, based on personal and people-oriented support. Wolfgang’s commitment and spiritual dedication are the basis for his efficient and competent work with and support of TimeWaver. He also enriches and inspires many TimeWaver users and prospects in presentation webinars, at trade fairs and at roadshow events.

Save your seat now without obligation. We are looking forward to meeting you!

Free webinar registration

[gotowebinar-reg key="2082792110311418200"]


5. stycznia 2023
10:00 am - 11:00 am


TimeWaver Pro
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