COVID-19 Warning to all TimeWaver users and partners: TimeWaver is not approved for the diagnosis or treatment of COVID-19. TimeWaver is a medical product for the treatment of chronic pain, fibromyalgia, skeletal pain and migraine, as well as for the supportive treatment of mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety and associated sleep disorders. All other uses of TimeWaver are not recognised by mainstream medicine due to lack of evidence as defined by mainstream medicine.TimeWaver supports and encourages the implementation of the prevention measures for COVID-19 published by the World Health Organisation (WHO). If you, your family or clients experience any of the COVID-19 symptoms described by the WHO, we recommend that you seek medical diagnosis and treatment.

The TimeWaver Summer World Promotion!

From June 10 to June 23, 2023

Just in time for TimeWaver Summer World we will be offering a special TimeWaver Summer World deal from June 10 to June 23 with up to 25% discount on many popular TimeWaver products!

Attached here you will find a brochure about it, 10 pages chock full of offers for all those who are seriously into TimeWaver.

Also, please do not forget about the big TimeWaver / Healy bundle promotion as part of the TimeWaver Summer Promotion starting July 1.

We hope that these campaigns will be of much use to you and your customers and prospects!

The New and Improved TimeWaver Company Presentation!

We believe it is important to not only deliver world-leading products; you and us should also be able to communicate them to customers and prospects in a convincing and comprehensible manner.

With this in mind, we have just completely redesigned the TimeWaver company presentation to be even clearer, more comprehensible and concise. With our industry being strictly regulated, we have also made sure that the presentation is fully compliant with all legal standards in our target markets.

You can download the new company presentation here:

Just In: A Complete Overview of All Certifications for TimeWaver Frequency

Many people who are unfamiliar with TimeWaver technology and TimeWaver products are unaware that medical device certifications, approvals and permits exist for some of them in many countries around the globe.

In fact, TimeWaver Frequency systems can be sold and used as medical devices in a total of 38 countries: from Alaska to Australia, from Norway to Sicily!

To clear up any misunderstandings on this topic, we have created a brochure (in English and German) with a complete overview of all international certifications, approvals and permits that have been granted to the TimeWaver Frequency system. These documents are shown in their original form in the brochure.

You can download the brochure here:

A New TimeWaver Home Brochure

The market communication experts at TimeWaver have been very busy over the last few months designing a new brochure for the TimeWaver Home system.

This brochure is now finalized and available. It is focused mainly on the practical benefits for therapists and home users; we have also placed great emphasis on clarity and clear structuring. It fully complies with TimeWaver’s corporate image and brand identity and all the applicable legal standards of our industry.

You can download the new TimeWaver Home brochure here:

Here you can find the further promotions we have planned for 2023. We will send you all the relevant information about them in due time:

The summer promotion (01.07. – 15.08.2023)
The winter promotion (14.11.2023 – 15.01.2024)

New Downloads in the Distributor Section

Here you will find all new downloads available for you in the reseller section:

TW Certifications EN 2023-06-06
TW Zertifizierungsübersicht DE 2023-06-06

TW Sale World EN 2023-05-26
TW Angebot World DE 2023-06-06
TW Sale TW&Healy EN 2023-06-02
TW Angebot TW&Healy DE 2023-06-06

TW AGB DE 2023-06-01
TW GTC EN 2023-06-01
TW GTC EN USA 2023-06-01

TW Home Brochure EN 2023-05-23
TW Home Broschuere DE 2023-05-17

TimeWaver Company Presentation EN
TimeWaver Unternehmenspraesentation DE

TimeWaver Preisliste DE-EU gültig ab 01.07.23
TimeWaver Pricelist EN-Intl valid from 01/07/23
TimeWaver Pricelist EN-EU valid from 01/07/23
TimeWaver Pricelist EN-USA valid from 07/01/23

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