COVID-19 Warning to all TimeWaver users and partners: TimeWaver is not approved for the diagnosis or treatment of COVID-19. TimeWaver is a medical product for the treatment of chronic pain, fibromyalgia, skeletal pain and migraine, as well as for the supportive treatment of mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety and associated sleep disorders. All other uses of TimeWaver are not recognised by mainstream medicine due to lack of evidence as defined by mainstream medicine.TimeWaver supports and encourages the implementation of the prevention measures for COVID-19 published by the World Health Organisation (WHO). If you, your family or clients experience any of the COVID-19 symptoms described by the WHO, we recommend that you seek medical diagnosis and treatment.

TimeWaver Frequencyシステムで活力を高めます

TimeWaver FrequencyとTimeWaver Frequency McMakinシステムの可能性とアプリケーション戦略について教えてください。アレクサンダー・ディールがこれらの質問やその他の質問にお答えします。

Timewaver For Holistic Wellbeing(ホリスティックウェルビーイング)とCoherence And Coaching Module(コヒーレンス・コーチング・モジュール)による多層的な潜在能力開発

このウェビナーでは、ホリスティック・ウェルビーイング、ビジネス最適化、プロフェッショナル・コーチングの未来のために、TimeWaver Pro(プロ)システムとその3つの製品ラインのアップデートについてご紹介します。

TimeWaver Pro 2.0: The New Databases and Analysis Sets

Live | English | Online

Meet the all new TimeWaver Pro 2.0 - be it for life coaching, holistic wellbeing, business analyses or personality development! In this webinar Michael Danz will introduce to you the new analysis sets and extended databases.

The Many Application Options of TimeWaver Pro Platinum

Live | English | Online

Be it for life coaching, holistic wellbeing, business analyses or personality development: The TimeWaver Pro Platinum system provides numerous application options that Steffen Jüngling will demonstrate to you in this webinar.

TimeWaver Login
TimeWaver IDの作成

"*" indicates required fields

Strength indicator


すでにTimeWaver IDをお持ちの方
